Friday, September 16, 2011

Who I Am

A little over a year ago, I got an email from the UBC Blogsquad asking me if I would take delight in becoming one of their first year bloggers, and tell about my first year experience at UBC.  I did.  You can find that blog here.  But a year later, I am a different person from the wide-eyed, nervous first year I was in September 2010.  That is why I am launching this new blog today...

Last year was an experiment in becoming the person I am right now.  I never found out who I am; I never had that epiphany that the main character in a movie has when they first attend college.  Nope, still no idea who I am.  But, I did find out who I am not.  I am not a vegetarian... or a vegan.  I can't do it.  I like meat.  I can't eat tofu for the rest of my life, or other meat substitutes.  I like bacon, and chicken, and seafood, and other fleshy parts of animals that people in Kits give me dirty looks for enjoying.  I am not a beansprout eating, hemp milk drinking, Lulu Lemon wearing yogi.  That's cool if you are... but I can't do it.  That doesn't goto mean I don't enjoy those things separately at some point.  But the entire life style and organic bliss just doesn't cut it for me.  I drink coffee, not oolong tea and sometimes I like going to Oakwood Bistro across the street from Naam to get their homemade burger... not a salad with funny bits of soya 'meat'.  I'm sorry, it's delicious (to all the meat eaters, seriously... go there. Life.Changing).  Also, I'm not a scrapbooker, vintage clothes-shopper, pop-the-lenses-out-of-glasses kinda gal while I listen to some weird electro bands, and talk about how passe popular culture is.  Truth is, I love pop culture.  I read trashy magazines.  I'm not a MetoWe-er, Save the Children philanthropist, donate my life savings to Oxfam kinda person either.  I think before I donate my time and my money... I tend to over think it.  Commercials can make me cry and I laugh at inappropriate things.  I live with a gay man and have a cat.  I refuse to be called the Grace of a Will and Grace duo (even though sometimes I feel like I live a sitcom).  I'm obsessed with the Food Network and am amazed that Friends is on anytime of the day.  I'm Canadian as a surname, and sometimes I get so ashamed of my country that I want to make it my maiden name.  I'm Metis, and still struggling with my cultural identity on nearly a daily basis.  So, I'm not a hippy, do gooder, vegetarian, humanitarian, hipster, indie chick.  I've tried them all out, and nothing seemed to stick.  So, right now I am who I am.  I'm Sam, I'm 19 (almost 20), I'm a second year double major in Anthropology and First Nations Studies.  The cat I coincide with is named Patches, I'm a caffeine addict, and can never finish a full cup of tea.  I don't believe in God, and my spiritual beliefs are entirely personal and don't need explanation.  But, just because this is who I am today... doesn't mean I will be this person tomorrow.

Here's to another year of blogging!

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