By the way guys, they checked that kitten's Facebook, there was no evidence of Liberal or NDP support, so it was permitted to be in this photo.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm not Harper's biggest fan... it's not just my fundamental distaste of Conservative ideology it's his way of "governing"
Haperville Canada that really solidifies my animosity. The sad thing is that
I want to like Harper. Not on a governmental level... just on the fact he looks like he could be a nice guy. You know, like the guy you run into in the line-up at, erm, Tim Hortons while he's buying a double double and a maple dip. You'd chat about the weather, snow, Alberta-things and completely ignore megalomaniac-esque
tendencies to push legislation to change the name of the Canadian Government.
But, it's hard to like a man who takes jack-assery to a whole new level.