In case you haven't noticed, I'm not Harper's biggest fan... it's not just my fundamental distaste of Conservative ideology it's his way of "governing"
But, it's hard to like a man who takes jack-assery to a whole new level.
Just so you all know, according to our leader, we as Canadian citizens should fear Islamic Terrorism. Actually, to Harper, it is Canada's biggest threat.
The thing that really bothers me, personally, is that when asked by Mansbridge what our biggest threat is... he just says Islamicism. What IS Islamicism exactly? The only way, according to our brave and fearless leader, to combat "Islamicism" is to re-evoke controversial anti-Terrorism laws that were instated after the 9/11 attacks in 2001 by Chretien. They held a best before date for five years before they were voted out of Parliament by a majority of members. The laws were criticised with having major privacy violations along with being down right draconian. Say goodbye to the true North strong and free.
CSIS director Richard Fadden added fuel to the Islamophobic fire when he said that it's not the terrorist groups we know about we should fear, it's the ones we don't know about (soure: So, in essence, we as a country should fear home grown "Islamicism". Right... because this isn't going to lead to extreme racial profiling by some citizens that don't think to question their government.
In all honesty, I think the biggest threat to Canada is not the Islamicist boogey man hiding in the darks of Harper's closet, but the people who believe him and Fadden. Lets think about this rationally, because in all honesty Harper said it the best.
When media starts barking up the Islam tree people (these are Harper's words... not mine) start thinking about "some place in the Middle East". Can you saw holy-crap-this-is-awkward? So, I can see many Harper followers starting to, how do I say this delicately... jump the
The biggest threat is starting this fear of the unknown. We are supposed to be scared of terrorist groups that our leaders may not even know about... are we not supposed to question what our neighbours, friends, and relatives do behind closed doors? The possible segregation and fear that could spread by those who don't question what our government says is more scary than our supposed home grown security risks.
This is why we have to question our government, regardless of if you voted for him or not. Canada seems to have a habit of being apathetic and just going with the flow no matter how crazy that flow is. So, instead of being swept up in a river of extreme right wing rhetoric maybe it's time for Canadian citizens to take a step back, take a good hard look at Harper and say "hold the eff up, buddy's gone crazy." It's time to take a stand before this man:
Starts to look like this man:
Thank you for another well written post, Sam. It's always interesting to see your opinion on these things.
P.S. This is about all I can comment towards this as my job doesn't allow me to... express much of a 'politcal opinion'. Especially towards certain parties. Who are currently in power. Cough.